Medicine, Motherhood, and health advocate

What if you don’t match? 3 things you should do

Didn't match your number 1

What if you don’t match? 3 things you should do I remember two years ago anxiously awaiting this day too. I’ll let you all in on a secret of mine that I haven’t shared with anyone. I didn’t match at my number 1 program. 

If you’re in the same boat don’t  worry. I know it may seem like everyone else matched at their number one program! BUT there are a whole bunch of people that are too shy or embarrassed (like myself) to say so too.

Here’s my advice on how to process today: What if you don’t match? 3 things you should do.


Initially I was devastated, I desperately wanted to go to my number 1 program. I even had done an away rotation there, learned how their system worked, and really liked the current residents. But don’t take it personal, you two just weren’t a match. Take it from me, you don’t want to be at a program that doesn’t want you as badly as you want to be there. 

I remember when I opened up my email that Friday on the couch (thanks COVID..) next to my husband. He was SO happy that I matched into a great program and in our top location. just wasn’t as happy, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t prepare for it. I cried. I mean of course I was happy to actually have matched but I just wasn’t as happy because it wasn’t my number 1. What if you don’t match? 3 things you should do.

I think there is way too much pressure put on tired, stressed, type A med students to match at their number 1 program. I think that if the culture was changed it would really have made a more positive impact on my match day experience. Luckily I had my husband by my side to help me do a reality check and change my attitude. 

Try to stay positive

Receiving the news that you did not match at your #1 is hard. For me personally it wasn’t until I had a deep conversation with my husband later that day that I perked up a little bit. You are not just a match! Your way more than any title or letters behind your name. 

It honestly wasn’t until after I met my residency classmates and got to know them that I was like WOW, I am so thankful that things worked out the way they did. Things honestly worked out perfectly. I don’t think anyone LOVES every aspect of residency but I will say my favorite thing about my program is the people particularly my classmates. I wouldn’t have made it thus far without them. 

Give yourself credit

Not matching at your #1 program doesn’t mean that you are not good enough. Or that you aren’t as qualified. The match is a tricky process, the algorithm was designed to be in the applicants favor. But there are a lot of factors that are not taken into account, making it a slightly flawed process. 

Try to keep in mind that what Is not your number 1 could’ve been someone’s dream and channel a little gratitude. In my life as a Christian I’ve learned to rely on God. I prayed for my number 1 program and God didn’t put me there. It definitely took me some time, but I realized that God didn’t place me there for a reason. Sometimes your greatest disappointments will turn into your greatest blessings. 

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