Medicine, Motherhood, and health advocate

Gym bag essentials women.

Gym Bag Essentials

Gym bag essentials women. Hey guys! Here are my gym bag essentials that I cannot go without! I figured I’d share this to save someone else a headache when they get to the gym (which is a victory in itself) and find out they’re missing an essential item! 


I absolutely adore my beats wireless headphones! I got them for Christmas last year and they have become an essential part in my workouts! I do a lot of plyometric (jumping), running…lifting exercises and found that regular head phones make my workouts even harder to complete. I ALWAYS manage to get tangled up in the cord! If you’ve never used wireless headphones trust me you won’t regret it! If you can’t afford them put it on your Christmas list, haha and make sure to pack regular headphones in the meantime!


I’m sure this is self explanatory for obvious reasons but I’ve definitely forgotten my bottle in the past and had to interrupt my workouts to use the water bubbler…or worse having to wait if the bubbler is down! Let’s just keep a bottle in our bags and call it a day! 

Fitness tracker:

I recently got an apple watch to track my workouts more intently. The watch has a feature to monitor your heart rate (HR). I try to never miss a workout without it because it helps me keep track of my HR to ensure I’m working hard enough or need to slow it down depending on my workouts! This is totally optional but more-so helpful for my PERSONAL goals which is why I am sharing.

Chapstick/lip gloss:

This one may be more for the ladies reading..but nobody likes the feeling of chapped lips okay? Especially during or after a work out, so to be on the safe side I keep an extra chapstick in my gym bag so I know it’s there when I have a lip emergency! 


I’m sure ya’ll have heard of Rihanna’s song called Work, well if you haven’t go listen to it! But for those who have instead of “work work work” I “sweat sweat sweat” like A LOT during my workouts so deodorant after is a must. Especially if I’m running errands after the gym. It just makes me feel slightly cleaner for the time being until I can hop in my shower.  

Sweat towel:

Which leads me to my next point, I always need something wipe my sweat with. Instead of using an exorbitant amount of paper towels from the gym I just take out my towel and keep moving! 


Have you ever gotten to the gym taken off your sweats looked down and realized your arms and/or legs are dry a. k. a. ashy for us brown/black peeps. Well to avoid the discomfort haha I carry a little bottle of lotion with me. I’m sure you’ll find that you use it more than you think.

Extra hair elastics/bobby pins/clips:

Ever been is such a rush to get to the gym? You don’t put your hair up before and right as you start your workout, you realize you have no elastic-band, clip, or ANYTHING to tame your hair! OR worse your elastic breaks…Perfect timing right? Just do yourself a favor now and pack some extras for yourself gals/guys! 


At least carry the essentials, a couple bucks, cards, and ID then your good to go! 


I despise being HANGRY during or after completing a workout so I always throw a light snack in my bag to hold me over until I can eat my post workout meal! 

Hope this helps ya’ll start or add to your current gym bag!


The Active Medic

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