Wow who could’ve predicted the year 2020 a worldwide pandemic and the halt of everything. From the virtual social gatherings to the 6 feet apart social distancing and don’t forget the constant mask wearing; I’d like to think we all are masters at living in the virtual era by now. Let’s dive right into our chat about residency zoom interview advice.
Navigating zoom is different vs. attending a zoom interview
This year like last year applicants applying to schools and jobs will continue with zoom tnterviews. So you may be wondering what are the benefits to zoom interviewing well from the interviewee perspective you will save money by not having to travel, you’re in a much more comfortable space, and you’ll have scheduling flexibility. Specifically for residency interviews the interview they will be much shorter I know at the end of each interview today when I had in person interviews I was exhausted.
What are the downsides to residency zoom interviews?
I personally enjoyed traveling I definitely was over the traveling by the end of the interview season but it was an exciting time. I also enjoyed talking to the residents, other applicants, and getting a first look at the hospital that I would be spending a lot of my time at. Unfortunately those participating in zoom interviews will not have these opportunities.
Over the last year and a half I myself participated in zoom interviews and I also served on the resident interview committee. So basically I’ve been on both sides of it I’ve been the interviewee and participated as an interviewer.
Here are some of my tips for surviving and thriving on your residency zoom interviews.
Your Appearance matters
So just like an in person interviews you would show up in your best clothes your face is clean do you have a nice smile on your face and your body language is inviting. You also want to do all of those same things on your zoom interview.
–Camera height: try to make sure that your camera is somewhat level with your eyes/face. Do you want to avoid the interviewer seeing up your nostrils?
–Facial expressions: as mentioned above have a welcoming face expression. Appearing to be tired, bored, or just plain an interest in it’s not a good look. I know it may not seem as exciting as an in person interview but try your best to be excited to have this opportunity.
–Location Location Location:
Ideally you want to be in a location that will be quiet with a neutral background and good lighting. Zoom interviewing can be extremely distracting and so being in the quiet area and having that neutral background will help to avoid some of this. Try to avoid the virtual backgrounds I know these can be extremely tempting and you may want to pick that background theme that goes with your new residency program but trust me just don’t do it. It just leaves too much opportunity for things to go awry.
if you read my other post on how to prepare for residency interviews and residency interview questions you’ll know that practicing is an integral step towards being successful in your interview. The same thing applies to zoom interviews. Set up a fake zoom room or even just pull up a zoom on your own computer in the area that you plan to interview in essentially emulating the same set up. That way you can test out all the things that we went over above how is your camera height does it look better at this angle or this angle what about the lighting and etc. Do this ahead of time so you are ready for “Game day” AKA residency interview day.
Additional zoom interview tips:
-When you create your zoom account go to your profile settings and change your photo to a professional headshot. When you don’t have your camera on this is the photo that will pop up on the screen.
-Make sure to have your full name shown on zoom.
-I definitely recommend using a laptop or a desktop computer for your interview however as we all know life happens so make sure to have your tablet or your cell phone as a back up.
-Make sure you have a good Internet connection. Do you want to avoid your conversation going in and out with your interviewer or missing vital information during your interview session. Sometimes this can be out of your control but just try to optimize this for yourself as much as you can. If you have a hotspot on the your phone remember you can always use that as a back up for spotting internet. Although your hotspot may not offer THE BEST connection, it’s better than nothing.
-Make sure you’re dressed appropriately yes I know you’re at home but make the extra step to put on your pants suit and suit jacket.
-Timeliness; get there early in case there are issues that arise with technology.
I know interviewing can be extremely stressful and residency zoom interviewing brings on a whole new series of stressors that one never had to imagine but have fun out there. This is still a big accomplishment and you are in your interview spot. You’re still going to meet some really great individuals that will hopefully one day turn into lifelong friendships or even mentor ships.